Prof. Ted Toadvine, University of Oregon, USA

Professor Ted Toadvine is the author of Eco-Phenomenology: Back to the earth itself, ed. Charles S. Brown and Ted Toadvine, 2003; and Merleau-Ponty's Reading of Husserl, ed. Lester Embree and Ted Toadvine, 2002. Specialization in 20th-Century Continental Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy and Phenomenology.

Prof. Monika Langer, University of Victoria, Canada

Professor Monika Langer is the author of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception, a guide and commentary, 1989; and "Making the phenomenological reduction experientially real", in Resistance, Flight and Creation, 2000; "Nietzsche, Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, some of their contributions and limitations for Environmentalism" in Eco-Phenomenology, back to the earth itself. "Sartre and Marxist Existentialism" in Sartre Alive, ed. Aronsen & Hoven, 1991.

Prof. Piotr Mróz, University of Krakow, Poland

Prof. Piotr Mróz lectures in modern philosophy at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Author of monographs and 70 articles (in Polish, English and French) on contemporary and modern philosophy, philosophy of art and literature. PhD. Specialist in phenomenology. existentialism, post-structuralism. aesthetics and literary studies.

Prof. Sara Heinämaa, University of Helsinki

Sara Heinämaa has achieved international recognition for her research on Simone de Beauvoir. She is the author of Toward a Phenomenology of Sexual Difference. Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Beauvoir (2003). Currently her research has the title "Ethics of Renewal: Person, Reason and Happiness".

Researcher Lisa Käll, University of Uppsala, Sweden

Lisa Folkmarson Käll holds a Ph.D. in Women's Studies from Clark University, USA (2004) and completed a second Ph.D. at the Center for Subjectivity Research, Copenhagen University, Denmark (2007). She is specialized in Contemporary Continental Philosophy, and especially the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Her main research interests is in the area of feminist theory of subjectivity and deals with issues concerning lived embodiment, bodily constitution of sexual difference and sexual identity, intersubjectivity, and the relation between selfhood and otherness. She is currently a research associate at the Center for Gender Research, Uppsala University where she is working with the research profile area Body and Health. She is also involved in the recently established Nordic Network for Research on Gender, Body, and Health which is based at the Center for Gender Research in Uppsala.

Doctoral fellow Claus Halberg, University of Bergen

Claus Halberg works as a doctor fellow at SKOK (Center for Women's and Gender Research). His Ph.D has the working title "Merleau-Ponty and the Feminine: Reading the Philosophical Labour of the Feminine in Merleau-Ponty's Notions of Flesh and Desire".